See prices beyond the brokered market
Entities that buy, sell and trade Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) require robust, reliable information to inform price discovery.
This includes capturing a growing amount of market data from transactions that occur beyond the brokered market which, on average, represents just 30-40% of traded volumes in the OTC market.
RepuTex’s ACCU pricing service provides access to 50+ in-house ACCU price assessments across all traded methods – including daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly data and differentials – enabling users to track, chart and compare the prices that matter to you.
Market participants use our price information for:
- Price discovery and market analysis: Analyse price movements and understand key market forces, for both actively traded methods (Generic and HIR ACCUs) and more illiquid methods.
- Long-term contracting: RepuTex’s ACCU price assessment is the most widely adopted benchmark to value ACCUs under spot and forward contracts, with a market value of over $800 million in 2023.
- Mark to market: Determine the market value of hedges & exposures, and track performance along with profit & loss computations.
- Internal transfer pricing: Determine the fair value of transactions and transfers between companies and subsidiaries.
- Regulatory purposes: Assist in value discovery at a regulatory level, such as default prices and make-good costs.
To take a tour of our EnergyIQ platform, visit this page or contact our Client Services team via email if you have any questions.
Learn more
To learn more about our services, or to set up a demo of our EnergyIQ platform, please contact our Client Services team.