Total traded volumes across spot and forward markets fell from 2.8 million to 2.2 million ACCUs in June (reflecting reported volumes available to the market, excluding confidential submissions to our Survey Panel) as ACCUs traded under derivative contracts (forwards and options) fell from record highs in May, while spot traded volumes increased toward our YTD monthly average behind strong demand for Generic No-AD ACCUs. In the forwards market, Q4 2024 delivery remains a point of interest for participants as facilities finalise their baseline assessments and determine a budgets for FY25, while overall, forward trading remains concentrated.
RepuTex’s monthly State of the Australian Carbon Market provides a detailed review of activity in the Australian carbon spot and forward markets, including pricing and traded volumes for spot, forward and options contracts, along with net market balance.
This report is published under our Australian Carbon Intelligence service. Click below to access the report, or click here to take a tour of our EnergyIQ platform.