Carbon Markets

UPDATE: ACCU prices slide amid profit-taking as political posturing begins; record volume in January

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The Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) market remained comparatively subdued over the last week, with limited trading and some profit taking seeing prices continue to drift downward in the spot market. The lull comes after a surge in activity over January, with over 3 million ACCUs transacted on the brokered market as speculators and liquidity providers quickly build their positions ahead of the anticipated entry of Safeguard Mechanism liable entities into the market, despite some political posturing over the passage of the government’s safeguard crediting bill. Internationally, prices for key offset categories stabilised on Friday, while prices for REDD+ units continued to trend lower amid ongoing fallout from reports of over-crediting.

This report analyses current activity in the Australian and international voluntary carbon markets, including spot and forward price dynamics, and prices by underlying project methodologies. Analysis considers Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and voluntary offsets across key international registries including Verra, Gold Standard, the American Carbon Registry, and the Climate Action Reserve.

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