Carbon Markets

UPDATE: Generic and HIR ACCU prices reach 5-month highs on increased spot and forward OTC traded volumes

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Our latest Carbon Weekly report has now been published, reviewing activity in the Australian and international carbon markets for the period August 19 – August 23 2024.

ACCU prices continued their recent uptrend last week, with our Generic ACCUs (Benchmark) price assessment passing $35/t for the first time since mid-March to reach a 5-month high on increasing demand for Generic No-Avoided Deforestation (No-AD) ACCUs. Notably, forward activity also saw a significant uptick, reaching a 14-week high in weekly volumes, with liquidity strongest in shorter dated contracts across both the OTC and exchange traded forward market.

RepuTex’s Carbon Weekly report analyses recent activity in the Australian and international voluntary carbon markets, including our ACCU spot price assessments, method spreads, forward activity, traded volumes, and key market developments. Analysis considers the Australian market along with international registries including Verra, Gold Standard, the American Carbon Registry, and the Climate Action Reserve.

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