Carbon Markets

UPDATE: Liquidity and prices hold steady for ACCUs, VCM credits see flight to integrity

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Prices in the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) market have continued their gradual rising trend, with small gains for both Generic and Human Induced Regeneration (HIR) units. In contrast to recent weeks, HIR units saw the majority of trading activity on the brokered markets as counterparties found a comfortable price point, with consistent volumes transacted for the fifth consecutive week. The international Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) saw a rise in liquidity, but a continued downtrend in pricing as voluntary credits continue to grapple with integrity concerns, and buyers seek out higher quality projects. In the EU ETS, EUA prices traded down in reaction to news of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

This report analyses current activity in the Australian and international voluntary carbon markets, including spot and forward price dynamics, and prices by underlying project methodologies. Analysis considers Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and voluntary offsets across key international registries including Verra, Gold Standard, the American Carbon Registry, and the Climate Action Reserve.

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